Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Are you a Corporate Chameleon? I think you ARE!

If you are flipping burgers or going to work in a shirt and tie and you are not living your dream and not working on your passion, you are a "Corporate Chameleon." You blend in with people at work, but you are not one of "Them." Secretly, you have talents and goals that exceed outside of the confines of your 9 to 5.

So, Corporate, in this sense, is not white collar. It can be White collar, Blue Collar or no collar.

The reality of life is that, you have to work to keep a roof over your head, food in your belly (and dependents bellies), and clothes on your back. Sometimes the demands of life can not be supported by what your talents are and what you are passionate about. So, what do you do? You do like everyone else does, you choose a job or career to pay your bills and you live out your passions and talents "off the clock."

I am going to start a web-show showcasing my fellow "Corporate Chameleons" because we all want to share our music, art, photos, drawings, jewelry, clothing, or what ever other business we want to start up. Hopefully, the nation of Corporate Chameleons will support each other, spread the word about each other, build an Army and spread the word and "free" us from hiding in plain sight.

Until that day... I am on a mission. Shoot me an email to and tell me you want to be showcased on the web-show.

Signing off.. MavLo aka Corporate Chameleon #1

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